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Can Eating Right Reverse Your Health Problems?

Can Eating Right Reverse Metabolic Syndrome? by Reliv  in (  Nutrition , · Healthy Living Tips )

Some things in life we have no control over… like rain on a picnic, taxes and teenage angst. But one thing you may be able to control is your risk of metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is a combination of symptoms that includes impaired glucose tolerance, high cholesterol and triglycerides, high blood pressure, and abdominal obesity. This dangerous package is often the pathway to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. A study also shows metabolic syndrome raises colon cancer risk by 75 percent.

But researchers have found even if you already have metabolic syndrome, you may be able to reverse it through diet and exercise.

Lifestyle Choices Change Course of Health


One study looked at diet’s effect alone on metabolic syndrome. People with metabolic syndrome who closely followed the Alternative Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) were twice as likely to reverse their metabolic syndrome after five years as those who didn’t follow the healthy eating guidelines.

The AHEI, developed by Harvard School of Public Health, is a set of nutritional guidelines that emphasize eating whole grains rather than refined grains, white meat rather than red meat and plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts and soy. In addition to metabolic syndrome, studies have shown that men and women who follow these guidelines cut their risk of chronic disease.

Another study showed people with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes had significant health improvements after only three weeks of diet and exercise. In half the people in the study, their lifestyle change reversed the clinical diagnosis of type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome — even if they were still overweight.

This group followed a high-fiber, low-fat diet combined with 45 to 60 minutes on a treadmill each day. Their diet included whole grains, vegetables and fruits for carbohydrates, soy, beans and nuts for protein, non-fat dairy, limited amounts of fish and poultry, and unsaturated fats over saturated fats. This diet is similar to the AHEI guidelines.

Snapshot of a Healthier Diet


So what choices should you focus on to head off metabolic syndrome or help you turn it around? It’s not about individual nutrients, but rather an overall dietary pattern. Here are some eating ideas from the AHEI nutrition guidelines to get a better picture of health:

  • Four times as much fish and poultry as red meat.
  • Five servings of vegetables daily.
  • Four servings of fruit daily.
  • One daily serving of nuts or vegetable protein such as soy.
  • More polyunsaturated fats (mostly found in vegetable sources) than saturated fats (mostly found in animal sources).
  • 15 grams of fiber from whole grain sources, such as whole-wheat bread, each day.

A Healthy Addition for Proven Results


To complement a healthier diet and regular exercise, add Reliv GlucAffect® to your daily routine. This revolutionary, targeted nutritional supplement brings together carefully selected ingredients in amounts proven effective in clinical studies to lower blood sugar and aid in weight loss — two key components of metabolic syndrome.

In a clinical trial of GlucAffect, participants taking four servings over eight weeks decreased fasting blood glucose by 30.4 percent, which returned participants to healthy blood sugar values. In addition, HbA1c, which shows an average of blood sugar levels over time, decreased from 7.59 percent to 6.33 percent. (The American Diabetes Association considers 7 percent or below to be ideal in blood sugar control.) Weight and body mass index decreased significantly in those taking GlucAffect, too. Average subjects lost 15 pounds during the eight weeks and BMIs were reduced from an average of 26.8 to 24.5, which is optimal.



Why Happiness and Health Go Hand in Hand by Reliv  in (  Nutrition , · Healthy Living Tips )

Are you a glass half-empty or half-full kind of person? Hopefully, it’s the latter. Being positive and looking at the sunny side of life can keep you healthier, research is telling us.

One study found people who are happy, lively, or exhibit other positive emotions are less likely to get sick when they’re exposed to a cold virus. Researchers also found that when happy people contract a virus, they report fewer symptoms.

Stay Positive


So can you talk yourself into staying well? Maybe. This coming flu season, focus on wellness and tell yourself you refuse to get the flu rather than “I always get the flu this time of year.” One study shows a positive attitude produced greater amounts of flu antibodies. Yet another study showed being positive helps your body produce more antibodies in response to vaccinations. Researchers believe the brain and immune system have an open, active communications line.

Studies also show health benefits of other positive characteristics. For example, showing compassion improves the immune system, while people who are forgiving and don’t hang onto their anger have fewer heart problems.

Have a Happy Heart


Supporting this, a Columbia University study showed happy people had less risk of heart disease over 10 years — quite simply, people with high levels of satisfaction had fewer heart attacks. The risk goes down for many reasons. In general, happier people engage in more heart-healthy behavior such as getting adequate sleep, not smoking and eating a nutritious diet. Also, while people are happy, their stress hormones decrease, blood pressure lowers, and the heart slows down. So by spending more time happy and relaxed, you protect your heart.

8 Happiness Boosters


For better overall health, kick that cynical, negative attitude to the curb. Here are some steps to feel happier and be more positive.

1. Pet a pet. Whether it’s a dog or cat, petting a furry friend releases feel-good hormones and lowers stress hormones. 

2. Make yourself smile. Even when you don’t feel like it, smile. One smile leads to more smiles. And just smiling activates the happiness centers in the brain. 

3. Reach out. Hold hands or give a hug. Human touch releases positive hormones, reduces blood pressure and heart rate. 

4. Get creative. Creating artwork or writing in a journal to express negative feelings actually makes you happier by distracting you from the negativity. 

5. Hang out with positive people. Happiness spreads in social networks. 

6. See the light. Skip the news or violent television shows and movies and opt for funny, enlightening and uplifting entertainment instead. 

7. Get a fresh air fix. Take time to appreciate the wonder of nature. One study shows interaction with nature reduces depression, promotes healing, sparks creativity and even increases life expectancy. And a Swedish study found people who ran in parks felt 15 percent more restored than those who ran on treadmills or in the city.

8. Nourish from the inside out. Putting the right nutrition into your body helps your mind and body function at its best so happiness can shine through. Eat a healthy diet abundant with fruits, vegetables and whole grains and add Reliv shakes to your day for balanced nutrition rich in stress-reducing, health-promoting ingredients. 




Working From Home: Greg and Rhonda Uebelhor

  by Reliv  in (  · Success Stories )


Life at home: 8 children, ages 10-27, two on their own, one in college. Greg now home after working as a truck driver — works when he chooses, helps friends and family in need. Rhonda runs Reliv business around homeschooling schedule. 

Because of Reliv… “We’ve been able to live life and raise our children on our own terms. Most people don’t get the time to build the kind of close relationships we have with our kids and that our kids have with one another. And the Reliv income we’ve earned allowed us to take family vacations and save for college. With Reliv, work fits around life.” 




Reliv Recipe: Straight Up Strawberry by Annie Haarmann  in (  · Recipes )

  This smoothie is the perfect midmorning or afternoon snack for strawberry lovers. Caution: This smoothie is so delicious, you will be tempted to suck it down faster than a zebra at a watering hole with a lion on the prowl, which may lead to a serious brain freeze! 


  1. 1.5 cups whole frozen strawberries
  2. 3 ice cubes
  3. 1/2 scoop Delight
  4. 2 scoops Relivables All-Natural Sweetener
  5. 1 scoop Reliv Now
  6. 10 oz. water

Directions: Blend it. 


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