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Stress Relief & Healthy Energy

Stress Relief and Healthy Energy
( · Healthy Living Tips )

Is stress derailing your ability to get things done in a day? Zapping your energy? Making your mind foggy? Beyond finding better ways to manage your stress, such as getting more sleep, exercising, and taking time to relax and have fun, the lack of certain nutrients in your diet could be making the physical effects of stress worse. If you’re feeling enough stress to cause fatigue, you’re on the pathway to poor health.

Stress hormones can deplete the body of vitamins and start the snowball effect of fatigue, anxiety and mental haze. Here are just a few of the nutrients you need to combat stress, clear the fog and amp up energy.

Boost the Bs.

Topping the list of energy superstars are the B complex vitamins, which include B6, B12 and folate. These vitamins are essential to help your cells carry oxygen to your brain and to keep you energized. B vitamins also help metabolize carbohydrates, a key source of fuel for your body.

Go for Omega-3

. Essential fatty acids like omega-3 can reduce many stress symptoms and counter some of the damaging effects of high levels of stress hormones in the body, according to research. Some evidence even ties the lack of omega-3 in our diets with the increase in depression in our society today. Omega-3 has been shown to regulate mood and improve mental clarity.

Run with Resveratrol

. Resveratrol, found in red grape skin, helps muscles use oxygen more efficiently to enhance performance. Because energy is processed more efficiently, you’re able to work out longer and more intensely. Dare we say, your workouts could actually be easier?

Charge Up with Coenzyme Q10.

Research shows CoQ10 (conenzyme Q10) boosts cell energy production and as a result can improve athletic performance. In addition, CoQ10 has even been shown to enhance physical activity in people with fatigue syndromes.

This is Your Shot

Your simple solution to stress and energy shortfalls is at hand. Whether you’re running kids around, running a business, or running a 5K, you can power through every day with new 24K™ from Reliv. Formulated with a synergistic blend of 24 active ingredients (including the four described above), 24K provides energy, focus and stress relief. And with no caffeine and only 5 calories per serving, it’s healthy energy for body, mind and spirit.

No jitters. No energy crashes. 24K is the gold standard to kick start your day, pump up workouts, improve concentration and prevent that midday slump.

Can Good Nutrition Fight Acne?
( Nutrition , · Healthy Living Tips )

While Disney stars seem immune, millions of frustrated teenagers — and some adults — try to battle acne with special cleansers, toners and creams. Some products make a dent in the facial pimples while others just leave a dent in the wallet. Meanwhile, acne can leave scarring and clobbers self-esteem. Could nutrition make a difference?

At one point, people pointed at French fries, pizza and chocolate as the acne instigators. Then the pendulum swung and dermatologists dismissed food’s role in acne. But in the last 10 years, doctors began looking a little more closely at the link between diet, nutrition and acne. And they’ve discovered compelling evidence that there is an association.

From the Inside Out

According to Georgiana Donadio, PhD, DC, MSc, program director at the National Institute of Whole Health, “Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all skin conditions, from psoriasis to aging, are the manifestations of your body’s internal needs, including its nutritional needs.”

Good nutrition may not cure acne, but science shows it certainly could lessen or worsen its severity. For example, high-glycemic (high-carbohydrate) diets may worsen acne, according to an article in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology from July 2010. At the same time, low-glycemic diets can impact hormonal levels and improve acne.

Illustrating the effect of too many carbohydrates, scientists found people living in non-Western societies (those living off the coast of Papua New Guinea and the Aché hunter-gathers of Paraguay) are essentially acne-free. Not coincidently, they have low-glycemic diets consisting mainly of fresh fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.

Another study found a tie between high-glycemic index foods and acne that lasted longer, compared to trials that linked low-glycemic index diets with reduced acne risk.

So limiting processed, high-carb foods — unfortunately the staple of many teenage diets — is an important step in controlling acne. But science shows other nutrients may help improve acne too.

Acne-Fighting Nutrients

Vitamin A and E.

Patients with acne often have low levels of vitamin A and E. In a study conducted by Jordan University of Science and Technology, patients with acne taking vitamin A and E improved their acne condition. Vitamin A reduces oil production while it helps maintain and repair skin tissue. Meanwhile, vitamin E helps with the absorption of vitamin A and speeds up the skin healing process.

Vitamin C

. This antioxidant has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps the skin heal. As a bioflavonoid, vitamin C also has an antibacterial effect.

Vitamin B Complex

. Acne can be a symptom of deficiency in many of the B vitamins. The B vitamins, including B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid) and B12 (cobalamin), are part of many important body functions including skin health. In addition, B vitamins are stress relievers — and stress can be a major player in triggering acne.


. Chromium helps reduce skin infections and can fight acne. Diets high in sugars (see above about high-glycemic diets) cause a loss of chromium so your body may be deficient.


. Sometimes acne is a symptom of a zinc deficiency. Studies show an association between a low zinc diet and the worsening or onset of acne. Zinc regulates acne-causing oil production and may help reduce the number of pimples erupting — and help heal pimples faster. Zinc is a tissue healer and fortifies skin to prevent scarring from acne.

Omega 3

. Another root of skin problems may be the imbalance between the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6. Our Western diets are usually high in omega-6 thanks to our overconsumption of baked goods, cooking oils and other foods, while omega-3s found in fish are often lacking. This imbalance causes inflammation and the skin produces a more irritating form of oil, which can trigger acne. Whiteheads and blackheads are a common symptom of an omega-3 deficiency.

Find a Balance for Better Skin Health

A vitamin and mineral balance helps preserve the skin and body’s overall health and hormonal balance, while supporting an optimal immune system. However, taking individual vitamins may not be a good idea. Many vitamins need other nutrients for absorption and balance. Reliv offers nutritionally balanced supplements such as Reliv Now® and Reliv Classic®, which contain many skin-enhancing vitamins. In addition, Reliv Now® for Kids includes essential fatty acids to support the health of teenage skin in the fight against acne.

For nutrition on the outside, turn to Relivables™ r line of premium skincare products. With the exclusive RA7 complex and other skin-enhancing nutrients, the r line delivers the benefits of Reliv nutrition in a breakthrough topical form.



Simple Diet Additions to Subtract Weight

When you’re trying to lose weight, sometimes it’s not what you cut out of your diet but what you add to it. While there’s no magic food, ingredient or pill that will melt off pounds, research is showing some nutrients can add oomph to your weight loss efforts.

Check out the following waist whittlers to easily incorporate into your daily diet.

Calcium and Vitamin DPumping up your calcium and vitamin D intake has been shown to boost weight loss, according to study results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Another recent study found that 1,400 to 1,500 milligrams of calcium per day, with or without vitamin D3, was linked to lower fat gain and higher

Additional studies propose that calcium may affect appetite. It also may help with weight management by increasing fat excretion from the body.

However the combo works, it’s worth the effort to add more calcium and vitamin D to your daily diet to amplify your weight loss results — and improve your overall health.

ProbioticsThe benefits of probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in yogurt and other sources, continue to mount. Now research is showing they could help people with obese tendencies to lose weight.

According to a paper published in Nature, microbial populations in the gut are different between obese and lean people. When obese people lost weight, their microflora changed to become that of a lean person.

Taking that finding a step further, researchers found that subjects consuming a fermented milk product containing a probiotic Lactobacillus strain had a 4.6 percent reduction in abdominal fat and a 3.3 percent reduction in subcutaneous fat — the kind you can pinch. In addition, subjects lost 1.4 percent body weight and decreased their waist size by 1.8 percent.

Subjects in the study consumed the probiotic for 12 weeks. Scientists reported the probiotic made its home in the gastrointestinal tract and changed the composition and metabolism of the intestinal microflora — and ultimately helped the subjects lose weight.

ALA/Omega 3The unbalanced Western diet that includes more linoleic acid, an omega-6, than alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3, could lead to ‘inherited obesity.’

Researchers found that continuous exposure to a high-fat diet combined with a high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio over generations can cause insulin resistance to induce obesity. Omega-6 is found in polyunsaturated fatty acids. While beneficial, if omega-6 intake isn’t balanced by omega-3 intake, it can have harmful long-term effects such as obesity that is passed on to the next generation. The recommended ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 is 5:1. However, the current ratio is about 15:1 in much of Europe, and as high as 40:1 in the United States.

The goal for ALA intake is 1.6 grams per day for men and 1.1. grams per day for women. Good sources of ALA are flaxseed, soybeans, walnuts and olive oil.

The Spice CapsaicinGet spicy when you want to help shed some pounds. A compound in chili pepper called capsaicin can temporarily boost metabolism by about 8 percent. In addition, researchers found that fat cells exposed to capsaicin died. This hot spice also may act as an appetite suppressant by stimulating brain chemicals that signal you’re full.

Other studies have suggested that capsaicin may help to fight fat by reducing the amount of calories absorbed in the gut, reducing fat tissue and speeding up metabolism. It also may stimulate fat-burning proteins while inhibiting the growth of fat cells.

So enjoy the burn as you sprinkle chili pepper liberally in your chili, dips and other recipes.

Multivitamins A recent study in the International Journal of Obesity showed that obese women who supplemented with multivitamins and minerals for 26 weeks lost significantly more weight and fat mass, and reduced their waist size, than women who took a placebo. These women also reduced their total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, while increasing their HDL (good) cholesterol.

Another Simple, Nutritious Addition Reliv nutritional products offer several simple ways to boost your nutritional intake and support your weight loss efforts. Reliv Classic®Reliv Now® provide complete balanced nutrition, including soy protein, calcium, vitamin D and antioxidants. Just two shakes a day gives your body the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs every day. Add FibRestore®to your shakes for another fiber-filled way to curb hunger while benefiting your digestive health. FibRestore also contains capsaicin, extracted from capsicum.

Another Reliv option is the Slimplicity® Weight Loss System, with proven ingredients that support weight loss. It includes a delicious, satisfying shake to replace one meal a day and Accelerator capsules to curb your appetite and boost metabolism. Together with a pedometer, food and exercise journal and a success plan, you get a powerful combination to enhance your weight loss efforts.

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05/06/2012 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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